Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Life of a Cotton Plant

I feel a bit guilty, because the entire time that I have been doing this blog, all I have talked about is machinery. I believe it is about time for me to begin talking about crops. I believe the best one to talk about is cotton. First of all the cotton stalks from the previous year are mown and then disked into the soil. Disking means that the surface layer of soil is turned down by a tractor implement called a disk.

As you can see all of the grass and such is turned under

The freshly disked ground is then seeded by a planter, which plant between 6 and 48 rows depending on the size of the planter. Many times during planted fertilizer and other chemicals may be added.
A 48 row planter

A 24 row planter
After about a couple of months the cotton boll, which is where the actual cotton is produced.
A cotton boll
 After the boll appears it is ready to be picked. There is a special machine just referred to as a cotton picker which only has the capabilities to pick cotton.

A cotton picker

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